Sunday, July 01, 2007

Of careers, dreams and clarinets

No. BusinessWeek does not pay me to promote their website. In fact, I haven't even bookmarked their site. (Though now I think, it's high time that I did.)

Anyway, this is a very interesting article I came by this morning. It's about making a career shift a few years into your professional life. What made me click through was the fact that I had been editing a similar story for my magazine just last week.

What makes me put this link up on the blog here is this one paragraph - which seems to so aptly sum up things and inspire too.

There's an old story about a man who heard a neighbor playing the clarinet. "Boy, you're a good clarinet player," he said. "Could you teach me to play?" The clarinetist said, "If you want to make that commitment, of course I could. It takes time to get good." "How long?" asked the prospective student. "In seven years, you'd be quite good," replied the musician. "Seven years! I'll be 46 years old in seven years!" Said the clarinet player: "How old will you be if you don't study clarinet?"

How old will you be in five years if you don't pursue your dream? Get started now.

Read the entire article here.

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